You have been plagued with acne for the longest time. You are in search for the most effective treatment to once and for all get rid of it. Unfortunately, the treatments are way too expensive and are outside your budget. You are now hopeless. You think that you will have to spend the rest of your life with acne as part of it. Or is this really the case? Are you really that hopeless? Well, the answer is no you are not. Fortunately there are ways for your to treat your acne problem with less cost. You still have the option of treating your acne the natural way. Here are some tips which you can do to finally bid farewell to your acne.
Natural Treatment Number one, is going the milky way! No, this doesn't mean you have to go to the outer space for treatment. This means you can use milk as a way to treat your acne. Milk is packed with essential nutrients necessary to fight off and get rid of your acne. Get a cotton ball or clean piece of cloth and moisten it with milk. You can use any milk available but if you are on a tight budget, you can use evaporated milk. Evaporated milk is cheaper but still as effective as skim or non fat.
Apply it on your face in a gentle circular motion concentrating on the Triangular zone which includes your forehead, side of your nose to the cheeks and the upper lip where most oil build up happens. Leave the milk to dry for about fifteen to twenty minutes. As it dries up, you will notice it hardening. This is also a good way to bring back the elasticity of your face. After fifteen minutes or so, rinse it off with cold water and your chosen mild soap. For you to see results faster it is best to do this regimen once in the morning and another before going to sleep. This natural treatment will have your acne problems be gone or at least minimized. You will notice your face fresh and supple after maybe a week or so.