Have you ever suffered from a zit? I am sure we have all encountered one at some point in our lives. Having the odd pimple though is entirely different from having spots all over your face.It is a common skin disorder although most common in teenagers. So What is Acne? Well it is a common eruption of the skin which produces to much oil on the skin. Acne breakouts are usually seen on the face, neck and sometimes the upper body with a few individuals getting it on other parts as well. Usually when teenagers start to go through puberty they develop blackheads, pimples, sometimes a young woman may develop a small out break at the onset of her period. Other times too must sebum is developed on the skin and a outbreak ensues all over the face..
So what can contribute to acne breakouts. Well toxins build up in the pores of the skin and when we sweat they produce toxins that can cause the pimples to appear on the skin.If you find your self to be more inclined to have constipation this worsens the problem and needs to be sorted out. One way of helping is to drink more water.
Now their is not one particular treatment for acne as such-the top five natural treatments I am going to discuss as just a few of many that can actually help with your acne breakouts.
So What Supplement Should You Use For Helping With Your Natural Acne Treatment?
1. Zinc should be taken at a dose of - 50 milligrams, two, times per day. If you are planning to take Zinc Picolinate due to its super absorption then you should only take a doze of 50 milligrams and taken only once per day..
Vitamin A is a good one - Taking a dose of one hundred thousand units a day for 8 weeks. If you take to much of vitamin A it can be toxic to the liver so you should use under a doctors supervision. Pregnant women or woman planning to conceive should not take more than ten thousand units a day.
Vitamin B3 is also recommended - topical gel, it contains around 4% of Niacinamide, you should only apply 2 times per day.
Vitamin B6 is also recommended - taking a doze of one hundred milligrams in a day, This one is said to help when a woman has her period.
Vitamin C - Now this should be taken at a doze of one thousand milligrams, four times per day. If you start to have loose bowels then reduce the dosage if this happens.
Vitamin E - should be taken at a doze of six hundred units in any one day.
Pantothenic Acid - 2.5 grams, this should be taken at a doze of 4 x a day.
Deodorized garlic, should be taken at a doze of ten to 16 capsules a day. It really depends on the severity of your pimple problem, when you start to see a improvement to your skin then it is advisable to reduce the amount of capsules you are taking.
Evening Primrose oil or Linseed oil - take 2 tablets per day.
Taking Vitamin A and Zinc also helps. You can get most of these supplements at your local health shop.
2. Having a proper diet can help
Increase foods with anti-oxidants such as peppers and fruits and other vegetables in the diet can help.
Try to decrease too many sugary foods as sugar increases the fats that are secreted by the sebaceous glands..
Limit dairy foods, junk foods, fatty foods, fried foods, and any milk products. These types of foods aggravate acne breakouts..
3. Use a herbal remedy suitable for acne often a herbalist will assist with this if your unsure what to take.
Their are certain types of teas that can assist with helping your body get rid of the toxins in your body. A herbalist will be happy to assist on something you can take.
4. Physical Treatments in Acne Care
Having your skin exposed to the sun can help but be careful you don't want to burn the skin.Also using light therapy is a good option using the blue and the red light therapy will help to get rid of the acne well. I don't advise tanning tables as this increase the chances of you developing cancer of the skin.
5. Homeopathic Acne Skin Care Products is often a good choice too. Make sure you get good advice from a homeopathic therapist don't choose something your self.
Note: Their are a wide range of homeopathic medicines that can be EXTREMELY effective for your pimple solutions. A trained homeopathic practitioner is best to give you the appropriate acne treatment.
5 Things You Must Not Do If You Want To Get Rid of Acne
The Market is flooded with the so many so called magical remedy of acne. Every body of them claim that they can only help you to get rid Acne forever by vanishing The Acne with in two or Three Days. Those magic Solutions may show some initial improvements and finally turns your skin into a Desert. Actually After tried many of these solution to get rid of Acne I found these solutions normally use some of the most harmful chemical ingredients. Prolong use of these can cause permanent skin damage. I am figuring out Top 5 Harmful Chemical Ingredients normally found in this products.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: This is a very common detergent in shampoos and cleaners. It's also as used in Tooth Paste and regarded as one of the primary cause of the Mouth Ulcers. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate popularly famous with its nick name SLS It also earned the reputation as effective as skin irritating Substance. Do not buy any products contain this harmful SLS which is also used as floor cleaner.
Imidazolidinyl urea and Diazolidinyl Urea: It is one of the most widely used preservative systems in the world and is commonly found in cosmetics and used as preservatives to prevent bacterial growth, but prolong of these can cause skin damage. Many facial cleaners, anti-aging, facial moisturizer/treatment, hormonal cream, toners/astringents, sunscreen: SPF greater than 30, baby sunscreen, around-eye cream contains this harmful chemicals in their product.
Cetyl Alcohol: This Fatty alcohols normally use to hydrate hair for its cream consistency due to its lower manufacturing cost widly used as a lubricating agent prolong use of this product may lead clogged pores producing more ACNE.
Ethanolamines (Monoethanolamine aka MEA, Diethanolamine akaDEA, Triethanolamine aka TEA): A mixture of three amines is formed, Monoethanolamine (MEA), Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA) because of its detergent property widely used in makeup products such as eyeliners, mascara, eye shadows, blushers, make-up bases and foundations, as well as in fragrances, hair care products, hair dyes, wave sets, shaving products, sunscreens, and skin care and skin cleansing products. Diethanolamine and Ethanolamine are used mostly in permanent waves and hair dyes and colors. It can be cause of profound irritation to our skin. I will exclude this product from my buying list.
Mineral oil: It is also used as cheap base in some products may be one of the cause of the clogged pores by interacting normal skin function like perspiration. Hence disrupting the functionality of the skin.
Acne Remedy - Powerful Home Remedies For Acne
Dealing with your acne does not have to mean a trip to the pharmacist and shelling out a lot of money on expensive goops! There are ways to handle acne at home and this article will detail five powerful home remedies for acne.
1. The Citrus Facewash
Both lemons and oranges are very effective against acne. You can use orange peel pounded into a paste mixed with water and apply it to the acne affected areas. Lemon juice applied to the area is also a potent cure for acne and you can do it right at home. Lime juice and hot milk or water is also very effective. The reason why these things are effective is because they contain vitamin C which is very good for your skin and the acid in the citrus fruit peels away dead skin and kills bacteria. It also freshens you up for the day!
2. Garlic
Garlic can be used in two ways to help get rid of acne naturally. The first way is to rub the affected area with garlic several times a day. If you really want to get rid of stubborn acne, try eating more garlic, especially the seeds. Eating just three raw seeds of garlic daily for one month has been shown to get rid of acne. This is because garlic cleans the blood, pores, and skin and gets rid of nasty bacteria and dirt. However, you might want to wash up afterwards or you'll end up smelling odd for the rest of the day.
3. Herbal Remedies
There are a few herbs you can use to clear up acne. Coriander mixed with either mint or turmeric is best used before you go to bed and after washing your face with soap and water. Paste made of fenugreek leaves can also be applied to the face and left on overnight. Then wash it off in the morning. These things work best at preventing pimples and blackheads from showing up in the first place, but prevention is the best for of medicine.
4. Berry Effective!
Berry leaves such as from strawberries, blackberries or raspberries can be boiled with water and made into a pack that is then applied to the skin. This is not only good for acne, but also helps itchy, dry skin. Plus, eating the berries gives your body a punch of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber; all of which are very good for your body inside and out.
5. Sweetness and Light
A light paste made from cinnamon and brown sugar and then applied to the face to sit overnight is also effective; mostly because it scrapes out the pores when it is washed out the next morning and the cinnamon helps to purify the skin. This method is an effective at home remedy, but don't go too heavy on it or it will end up making a sticky mess all over everything!
These are just five of the at home remedies for acne, but these are five of the easiest and most powerful ones. Give one of these a try today and watch your pimples melt away.
How to Get Rid of Pimples - Tips on Squeezing and Using Packs
For teenagers who are sensitive to how they look, pimples all over their faces can be quite a pain in the neck. Of course, pimples are also worrisome to adults. Sometimes people rashly squeeze pimples on their face. This is a risky action as it can worsen pimples with secondary infection or leave scars on the skin.
Then how can you get rid of acne? Read on for tips on preventing acne from getting worse and removing your pimples cleanly.
General Tips
Be careful when you dry your skin with pimples with a towel. Scrubbing your face with a rough towel can exacerbate acne. Remove moisture from your face by softly pressing the face with a towel.
It is a good idea to have a face pack with cotton soaked in a skin toner after face washing. It is also effective to remove dirt in the pores with a steamed towel at least once per three days. Do not forget to wash your face and hands often.
How to Squeeze Pimples
When you squeeze pimples, you should do it after cleaning your skin by washing face and hands. Fully inflating dead skin cells beforehand by wrapping your face with a hot towel is a good idea.
The method of squeezing should vary depending on the kind of the pimple. For example, with black pimples, soften dead skin cells with massage or steamed towels and gently squeeze them. With white pimples, don't squeeze them when they are deeply stuck and wait until they come out to the surface. With pimples with pus, gently squeeze the pus out when yellow pus is visible.
You may worsen pimples by forcefully squeezing them when they are still at a premature stage. You should never do that just because you want to remove oily skin. In such case, rather wait for a couple of days before squeezing.
Incidentally, applying cosmetics right after squeezing pimples is likely to cause damage to skin. Right after squeezing pimples, just wipe off the face with a warm water towel and do not apply anything to the face.
Some people wipe the skin with alcohol after removing the oily substance. This is not desirable as the disinfected part may turn into black spots and eventually becomes blemishes or freckles.
How to Make a Natural Pack to Take Care of Pimply Skin
Using natural pack is helpful in taking care of the skin with pimples. Natural pack has several positive effects such as removal of oils and dead skin cells, recovery of acne scars, and prevention of festering. However, chemical pack may have adverse effect of worsening acne.
- egg yolks
If you have pimples and dead skin cells at the same time, use egg yolks. Use egg yolk pack at least once every ten days as they provide the skin with moisture and nourishment. They also make your skin clear by removing oils on the surface. Wash your face cleanly. Mix egg yolk, flour, and honey and apply them evenly over the face. Wash the face after 20 minutes.
- carrot
Carrot which is rich in vitamin softens skin and contributes to faster recovery from acne as well. It also alleviates extension of red capillaries on your face that causes reddening of your face. Grate carrots and mix them with water and seaweed powder. You can also use wheat flour instead of seaweed powder. If the mixture is too thick, pour more water to make it easier to apply the mixture onto your face.
- cabbage
Sulfur which is effective in the treatment of acne can be found in cabbage. Blend cabbage with a mixer and store it in the fridge to make a cold cabbage pack. The cabbage pack also has an effect of shrinking pores.
- cucumber
Cucumbers are one of the best substances for oily skin. Cucumber pack can make your face clean and bright. Grate cucumbers and put them on gauze. Put the gauzes on forehead and both cheeks for a sufficient time and take them off. Wash the face with cold water to finish.
- egg whites
Egg whites are good for pimply and oily skin with large pores. Make bubbles with egg whites and mix them with a little flour. Apply them on the face. When they get hard, take them off. Do this three times. To finish, wash the face with cold water several times to make it tight.
You should remember that these tips cannot completely cure or prevent pimples. Make sure to see a doctor when you have a serious case of acne and do not exclusively rely on these supplementary measures.
Helpful Tips to Get Rid of Acne
It can get unbelievably difficult trying to get one's acne under control. The sources of acne are so many and different due to their numerous causes so finding out which is the underlying cause can take quite a bit of time.
Lifestyle is normally to blame for most of the cases of acne so changing this would be a very good place to begin. Skin cleansing methods and switching to different topical creams are some of the skin related changes that you can employ to control your acne and improve your health.
What you eat can also be the underlying cause of your acne problem so make sure you choose these wisely. Do not overdo it on the foods that are concentrated in sugar, fat and salt.
Making your acne diet will require a lot of care and considerations if you want positive results.
Saturated fats, oils and sugar must be avoided as much as possible when drawing up your acne diet. Natural foods like whole grain, veggies and lean protein will always be a good incorporation into your diet.
If you want to see positive healthy changes on your skin then you will have to make positive changes to your mode of dieting.
Try to avoid eating too many dairy products. Most of the make-up worn today is made from hormones derived from our dairy products so you will have to watch out how much you consume.
The best cleansing agent for our bodies is water so you will want to up your intake to about 8 or so glasses a day. It will go a long way to making your skin healthier.
Vitamin B 5 has been proven to have good effects on the skin so you will want to up your intake of this as well. Just make sure that you stay within prescribed amounts as too much can also have a negative effect.
Get the advice of a dermatologist if all the above solutions do not seem to be working.